sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009

A city where you can find trolleybuses and tramways: Santos, Brazil

Santos is a city in Brazil. You can find here both trolleybus and trams.


The first tram (or streetcar) in Santos was inaugurated in 1871, using mules to haul de cars. The route was between downtown and "Boqueirão da Barra", next to Santos' Bay.
The first electric street tramway in Santos, ther route "2", was opened on 28 April 1909, between Santos and São Vicente City - one month before the route "1". In the postcard above you see a tram in the Anna Costa avenue, in the early 1920. In 28 February 1971 the tramway system was closed.

But, in Setember 2000 a touristic heritage route was launched in Santos downtown, with 2 ex-Santos tramways.


The trolleybus service of Santos opened on 12 August 1963: with 50 italian FIAT in many routes. Today, there is only one route operating, between Santos downtown and Independência Square.

Now, both trolleybus and tramways promove a rare scene in these days: they share some streets, with independent wires.

And the tramway route will be increased with:

Mapa do centro de Santos com linhas de bondes - arte sobre imagem da Prefeitura Municipal de Santos
On the map above you can see Santos downtown. The yellow line is the trolleybus route. The green line is the tramway heritage route opened on 2000. The blue line is the route of the tramway opened on 28 April 2009 - 100 years after the first electric tramway route was launched in the city. And the red line is the new tramway route (probably will be open on Setember 2009). For this new system, trolleybus and tramway will cross their wires in two points (the circles in the map).

See some pictures of 100 Years of Electric Tramway Celebration in Santos, on 28 April 2009:

The City Hall at Mauá Square.

The same Mauá square, with electric tramways in the 1930's.

Old brazilian songs to celebrate the new tramway route.

Two tramways at Mauá sq. - the yellow one is from Porto, Portugal

Another portuguese tramway in Santos at Barão do Rio Branco square.

The tramway at General Câmara street: note the trolleybus at the right

Trolleybus at Brás Cubas street servicing route 20, the only one of Santos, with 6 vehicules.

Now, trolleybus following the tram.

Trolleybus and trams have independent wires.

Now, trolleybus and tram side-by-side.

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